- Evo_source
- “Evo_source” column indicates that whether this record is a known precursor miRNA (pre-mir) from miRBase 13.0, an orthologous pre-mir highly similar to pre-mirs from other species or a paralogous pre-mir highly similar to pre-mirs from own species.
- Species_No
- In “Species_No” column, the value “a/b” indicates that a out of 86 (22+34+30) species are known to encode this pre-mir class and b out of 86 species are known or predicted to encode this pre-miR class.
- Distribution
- In “Distribution” column, the value “c/d” indicates that c pre-mirs in this own species belong to this pre-mir class and that d pre-mirs in all 86 (22+34+30) species belong to this pre-mir class.
Index | ID | Species | Mature miRNA (MatMiR) |
Match/ MatMiR Length |
Chrom | Strand | MatMiR Position |
PreMir Position |
Confidence | Evo_ Source |
Species_ No |
Distribution |
1 | droYak2-39 | Drosophila yakuba | mmu-miR-137 | 21/23 | chr2R | + | 50-72 | 17032223-17032305 | 0.994993 | Ortholog | 24/47 | 1/69 |
2 | droYak2-39 | Drosophila yakuba | ame-miR-137 | 22/22 | chr2R | + | 51-72 | 17032222-17032306 | 0.993571 | Ortholog | 24/47 | 1/69 |
3 | droYak2-39 | Drosophila yakuba | dme-miR-137 | 22/22 | chr2R | + | 51-72 | 17032223-17032305 | 0.993202 | Ortholog | 24/47 | 1/69 |
4 | droYak2-39 | Drosophila yakuba | cfa-miR-137 | 19/21 | chr2R | + | 51-71 | 17032222-17032306 | 0.993824 | Ortholog | 24/47 | 1/69 |
5 | droYak2-39 | Drosophila yakuba | bfl-miR-137 | 20/22 | chr2R | + | 52-71 | 17032222-17032306 | 0.992404 | Ortholog | 24/47 | 1/69 |
6 | droYak2-39 | Drosophila yakuba | lgi-miR-137 | 21/22 | chr2R | + | 51-71 | 17032223-17032305 | 0.993913 | Ortholog | 24/47 | 1/69 |
Total | 6 record(s). |